Reference Checking Software vs Reference Checking Services

January 10, 2022

Reference Checking Software vs Reference Checking Services

As a human resource professional, you know that reference checking is an essential part of the hiring process. It ensures that candidates are who they say they are and that they possess the necessary skills and qualifications. However, reference checking can be time-consuming and tedious. That's why many HR professionals are turning to reference checking software and services. But which one is better? Here's a comparison of reference checking software and reference checking services to help you make an informed decision.

Reference Checking Software

Reference checking software is an automated solution that enables HR professionals to conduct reference checks efficiently. Some of the benefits of using reference checking software include:

  • Time-saving: HR professionals can complete reference checks in a fraction of the time it would take to conduct them manually.
  • Consistency: Reference checking software ensures that all reference checks follow the same process and criteria.
  • Accuracy: Reference checking software eliminates the risk of human error, ensuring accuracy in the reference-checking process.

However, reference checking software has some drawbacks:

  • Expense: Reference checking software can be expensive, especially for small businesses.
  • Limitations: Reference checking software may not be suitable for all businesses, depending on their size and hiring needs.
  • Training: HR professionals may require training to use reference checking software effectively.

Reference Checking Services

Reference checking services involve outsourcing the reference-checking process to a third-party provider. Some of the benefits of using reference checking services include:

  • Expertise: Reference checking services have experienced professionals who specialize in conducting reference checks.
  • Cost-effective: For businesses that conduct a high volume of reference checks, reference checking services can be more cost-effective than reference checking software.
  • Flexibility: Reference checking services offer different levels of service and pricing options to suit different business needs.

However, reference checking services have some drawbacks:

  • Longer turnaround time: Considering time zones and working hours between countries, the turnaround time could be longer than expected.
  • Quality concerns: Depending on the service provider, the quality of the reference checks may not be consistent.
  • Limited control: Outsourcing reference checking means that businesses have limited control over the process.

Final Verdict

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether reference checking software or reference checking services are better. It all depends on the business's size, hiring needs, and budget. Larger businesses with higher hiring volumes may find reference checking services more cost-effective, while smaller businesses may prefer to invest in reference checking software to save time and money in the long run.

Regardless of which option you choose, reference checking is a vital part of the hiring process. By conducting thorough reference checks, businesses can make informed decisions and hire the best candidates for the job.


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